Your data protected

Your privacy:

More than having a policy, we have transparency and accountability in the way we process your personal data and are compliant with LGPD (Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados).

Protecting data is challenging and we take it seriously. Here there is not only one document that will bring the details of your data protection, but three!

These three documents will define the steps of the process and its peculiarities, adequacy to LGPD and also the internal laboratory policies. Everything detailed, transparent so that the most valuable thing – your data – is safe.


Transparent as glass

We maintain three documents that address every detail of each step of the process: our Terms and Conditions our Privacy Policy and after our analysis and estimate you receive our Service Contract.

Our terms and conditions

In this document you find all the important details from the beginning of the process: budget, service, hiring, and so on.

Access the document here


Our Privacy Policy

This is the document in which we detail exactly how we handle your data, LGPD and other related information.

Access the document here


Our service contract

The final contract includes our obligations as providers, yours as a contractor, delivery times, and all other legal information from the service contract.


Through this process a legally valid commitment is signed between the parties, including the protection and privacy of your personal data.

In cases where a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is required, we are open and can always evaluate the preparation of such an agreement.

More about your privacy

See how we handle your data

Secure data return policy

The recovered data is sent to clients via secure transfer protocols or on password-protected removable physical media, if you choose.

Data Deletion Policy

Bot stores all recovered data for a maximum of five business days after notification of receipt. The data is securely destroyed according to international standards.

Secure servers

All recovered data is stored on Bot servers with access protections.

Physical security

All Bot servers and laboratories are located in a secure, restricted-access location.

Access Restrictions

Our employees have limited, compartmentalized access to the retrieved data, and everyone signs a strict confidentiality agreement.

Security update systems

The security of the systems is constantly monitored and updated to prevent all possible electronic attacks.


Recovered Stories

Count on Bot to restore your peace of mind