How to recover a Samsung external disk on Mac and Windows?

Even when it is not possible to repair a Samsung external disk, your data can still be recovered!

How do I recover a Samsung external disk?

This is a very common question when we talk about external disks, not because of the low quality of the South Korean brand’s devices, but because a large proportion of all external disks on the market are manufactured by Samsung.

According to data available on the Statista portal, Samsung was responsible for 33.6% of all hard drives sold in 2019, a market valued at $63.4 billion in the year, of which $21.3 billion went to the South Korean giant.

Samsung’s prominence is evident when we analyze the percentages of hard drives from other manufacturers. Check it out:

  • Western Digital: 24,6%
  • Seagate: 15,7%
  • Toshiba: 5,2%
  • Hitachi: 2,3%
  • Others: 18,5%

So, in addition to its widespread dominance in 2019, we can statistically say that 1 in 3 hard drives sold in 2019 were from Samsung, a brand that attracts a lot of attention.

However, all electronic devices are subject to faults and problems, which is normal. That’s why repairing a Samsung external disk is a highly sought-after service, the need for which tends to cause owners some concern.

If this is the case for you, rest assured that it is possible to proceed with Samsung external disk recovery and thus have access to your data as normal, even in cases where the device has been damaged. To clear up your doubts, read on!

What are the most common causes of data loss on a Samsung external disk?

Although each case has its own particularities, some situations are more frequent and can be pointed out as the main causes of data loss on Samsung external disks – as well as those of other manufacturers. Check them out:

  • Human error: it’s relatively common to delete unwanted files, which is usually accompanied by a feeling of regret, whether immediate or delayed, as when you don’t realize at the time what has just happened.
  • Disk formatting: whether accidental or planned, disk formatting also erases your data.
  • Viruses and malware: another common cause is the presence of viruses and malware on the external disk, which can steal and delete the data on it.
  • Mechanical damage: drops, knocks and other impacts can damage the mechanical structures of the external disk and thus cause it to stop working properly.
  • Power outages: although this is more common with internal disks, external disks can also suffer damage when the power is interrupted abruptly.
  • Liquid spills: as they are external, it is common for these disks to be left on the desk or any other place where laptops or computers are being used, which makes them prone to liquid spills, such as water, coffee, juice and soda.
  • Hacker attacks: just as cybercriminals can access internal disks, this can also happen with external disks, whose data is just as valuable, if not more so, than that contained on the computer or laptop.
  • Loss and theft: we can’t ignore loss and theft, situations to which external disks are also highly susceptible, especially since they can be carried in your bag, backpack, car or anywhere else, even if your laptop or computer isn’t nearby.

How to prevent data loss from a Samsung external hard disk?

After learning about the biggest threats, it’s time to check out some important tips to prevent data loss on a Samsung external disk.

  • For important files, have more than one backup. Prevention is better than cure, and double prevention is even better. In the case of very important files, it’s worth having at least two backups, which can be made on other external disks, for example.
  • Take advantage of the convenience and security of the cloud. Another way of backing up your data is through cloud storage services such as Google Drive, Dropbox and OneDrive. They are very secure and can now be found in cost-effective plans, in addition to the free storage they offer, which can help you out a lot.
  • Be careful with your device. Sometimes, an extra dose of care can prevent situations that could damage your Samsung external disk, such as liquid spills, impacts and the like.
  • If you don’t need to use the external disk that day, don’t take it with you. Because it’s a portable device, it can happen that the external disk gets “forgotten” in your bag or backpack. However, the ideal is to only take it with you when you actually need to use it, which reduces the chances of a problem.

How to recover a Samsung external disk in Windows?

Recovering data from a Samsung external disk is possible in Windows using some proprietary software. However, you need to be experienced in using data recovery software so that the problem doesn’t get worse or become irreversible.

Data recovery software really does work, so much so that it’s used by experts, like here at Bot. However, in order to really get the most out of it, it is very important to have technical and practical experience in its operation.

Although such programs can be found easily on Google and installed in a matter of minutes, they need to be used correctly to optimize the chances of recovering data from a Samsung external drive. For this reason, their use is not recommended for anyone who is not an expert in the field.

However, those who are experienced and know exactly how to use them can look for good recovery software, such as Disk Drill, Wondershare Recoverit, Recuva, EaseUS Data Recovery and DiskGenius.

However, it should also be noted that data recovery cannot always be done using software alone. Sometimes you have to do some manual procedures, such as assessing and repairing the electronic and mechanical structure of the device, which is a piece of hardware.

How to recover a Samsung external disk on Mac?

In short, the procedure is the same as for Windows. However, not all the tools that work for Microsoft’s system can be used on Mac OS, but there are still a good number of options available, such as Disk Drill, Data Rescue 6 and Stellar Data Recovery.

In fact, some tools are available for other operating systems, including Linux, such as TestDisk, R-Studio and PhotoRec, but it’s important that the transfer is made according to the operating system used.

The same guideline regarding possible manual analysis and arrangement also applies here, which means that the process cannot always be completed using data recovery software alone.

After all, how do you recover or repair a Samsung external disk?

After all our tips, you’ve probably realized that recovering and/or repairing a Samsung external drive are real possibilities, but they require professional work to avoid major problems, such as complications that make data recovery even more difficult.

For the best chance of recovering your hard disk data or, in some cases, restoring its full functionality, you can count on Bot’s external disk recovery, carried out by highly qualified and experienced professionals and in a clean room certified to US Federal Standards 209.

Don’t wait any longer to recover your Samsung external disk! Bot has a 99% satisfaction rate and a 95% success rate in cases received, as well as more than 100,000 resolved cases – and yours could be next!


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