I have formatted my disk and I need to recover my files: what program should I use?

This is a situation we all hope that we never have to face: discovering that an important disk has been formatted and needing to recover the files.

Perhaps the drive was formatted accidentally – or it may have been done before you realized you needed the files stored on the drive.

In some cases, you may have formatted to change file systems, had problems and now your data is inaccessible.

recuperar arquivos hd formatado

Is it possible to recover files from a formatted disk?

reliable hard drive recovery program or recovery service.

That’s because formatting a disk doesn’t actually erase the actual data.

The deleted data doesn’t disappear from the hard disk until new data is written to the space where it was marked as deleted.

So yes, you can recover data from the disk after formatting.

How to recover formatted files from disk?

Below are the 7 steps you need to take to recover formatted files from your disk.

1 – Don’t despair

The first step after realizing that you have formatted your disk and now need to recover your files is not to panic.

After all, as we said, your data wasn’t erased when you formatted it. The operating system simply marked the space where they were saved as free – and therefore available to store new data.

In summary: when you format your disk, your physical files are still saved on the disk, but they are no longer visible.

2 -Don’t overwrite files on the formatted disk

Although your files have not been deleted after formatting the disk, they can still be lost – if you save new files in the space where they were stored.

If this happens, your original data will be irreversibly lost.

So don’t overwrite the files on the formatted disk.

3 – Use data recovery software

To recover data lost after formatting your disk, you need to use specific software.

This tool will perform a complete scan of your disk, looking for the data that has been formatted.

The software then makes a copy of these files and saves them in a safe place so that you can access them.

It’s important to note that the system should not be installed on the same disk where the files you want to recover are stored.

This is important to avoid overwriting the data and preventing it from being recovered.

Programs to recover files from a formatted disk

When you format your disk and need to recover your files, there are several programs that can be useful. Such as:

  1. Disk Drill
  2. TestDisk
  3. EaseUs Data Recovery Wizard
  4. R-Studio
  5. Recuva
  6. Recover My Files
  7. Glary Undelete
  8. Puran Data Recovery
  9. Wise Data Recovery
  10. OnTrack EasyRecovery.

To find out more about each of these recovery programs, with their pros and cons, read this article.

But remember: this software generally requires the resources of the paid version in order to completely recover the files from the formatted disk.

Furthermore, their implementation requires technical knowledge. So if you are new to the subject, using these tools may not work or may even make your disk worse.

4 – Choose where you want to save the recovered files

Whatever software you choose to recover lost data after disk formatting, in order to perform the recovery, you need to save it somewhere.

Therefore, after starting the software as an administrator, you must choose the drive where you want your files to be stored (preferably in another location).

When choosing the disk on which to store your files, it is also important to consider the size of the content you want to recover and to have an additional device on hand in case you need more space.

5 – Set up the scan

The system will start scanning to recover your lost files. To do this, you can ask what type of file you want to recover, depending on the format (image, music, all data, etc).

You should also indicate which device or location the content you want to recover is on.

At this point, be as specific as possible, indicating the nearest path to what you want to recover.

Once this is done, the software will start scanning.

6 – Analyze what you have found

When the process is complete, check your files to make sure everything is as it should be.

Remember that not all files will always be fully recovered: some will only be partially recovered and others not at all.

In the case of a damaged file, it may be necessary to perform another recovery on that file – preferably by a specialized recovery service.

7 – Recover the files

After checking your files, select them and save them on a different storage drive to the original one.

This ensures that the data is not overwritten and prevents it from being permanently damaged.

File recovery can take time, depending on the size, condition and volume of the data.

Didn’t find what you were looking for or do you prefer not to take any risks?

When you format your disk and need to recover your files, a recovery program can be very useful, but it’s not always the safest way.

After all, running file recovery software requires a certain degree of technical knowledge to get it right.

Otherwise, you could make the situation worse, eliminating the possibility of recovering your data.

So if you don’t want to take any risks, the best thing is to rely on the support of a specialized service to recover your files after formatting your disk.

How much does it cost to recover files from a formatted disk?

To know how much it costs to recover files from your formatted disk, you need to analyze the state of your disk, as well as other aspects.

We at Bot can provide you with a free, no-obligation quote. We also guarantee free collection of your device from any address in Portugal!

To start the quote process, simply follow this link: it takes less than 40 seconds!


As long as you don’t overwrite the data on your formatted disk, it is possible to recover your files.

To do this, you’ll need to use recovery programs, which – although there are many – reserve for the paid versions the features that guarantee the total efficiency of the process.

In addition, this software requires some technical knowledge which makes recovery difficult and can cause irreversible data loss.

That’s why it’s best to count on a specialized service that guarantees the effective and safe recovery of your data.

Like the one we provide: we at Bot recover data from internal and external disks, mobile phones, SSDs, USB flash drives and other devices.

Operating in Portugal, we recover data with quality and security. Our customer approval rating is 99%!

Count on us to recover your disk data and join our list of more than 100,000 solved cases.


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